Minixfs is copyright S.N. Henson 1991,1992. This code may be freely distributed unmodified, in either source or binary form, provided this copyright notice is present. Distribution for a small fee (for example via public domain libraries) is also permitted as long as only copying fees are charged, 'a small fee' means less than 5 Pounds Sterling . You are free to use, modify and recompile modified versions of this program, however redistribution of modified versions is not allowed without my consent, this is because making apparently minor changes to the code can cause considerable damage (as I can testify). Distribution of this program with commercial packages is not allowed without my written permission, please contact me if you wish to do this, or indeed if you want a similar filesystem writing for a different purpose (e.g. TT Unix or Spectre), however I am not in a position to write filesystems for other commercial packages free of charge. This program is not 'shareware' and no registration fee is levied, however if you wish to make a contribution I wont complain. I can be contacted at the address in 'minixfs.doc'. Please note that although I believe each release to be stable and test it thoroughly I offer not guarantee. Therefore , THIS PROGRAM COMES WITH NO WARANTEE WHATSOEVER AND USE IS ENTIRELY AT YOUR OWN RISK, I WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY FROM ITS USE.